Tag 'infrared laser'
General Use of 808nm Infrared Laser Diode Module
Unlike the use of any other visible lasers, 808nm infrared laser diode module gets longer wavelength among invisible optical spectrum, which is only allowing operation under all night version illumination fields. It applies an import 808nm infrared laser diode as core component, which is generating 808nm infrared laser beam through stimulated radiation.
795nm Infrared Laser Diode Module
Under operation of highly clear and accurate dot measurement and indication under dark environment and night version fields, it makes an efficient job with a long wavelength device of a 780nm infrared laser diode module. Being made with 795nm infrared laser diode as core component, equipped with qualified optic lens inside a highly durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, it is working well with highly concentrated and high density energy infrared laser light source emission, ultra clear and accurate infrared dot indication for all night version illumination fields.
1064nm Infrared Laser Diode Used for Spectral Analysis
Molecules and atoms in a substance absorb or emit photons under the irradiation of light of a specific wavelength, generating characteristic spectra related to the structure and composition of the substance. The infrared laser light emitted by the 1064nm infrared laser diode is used as an excitation light source. After interacting with the substance, the composition, structure and other information of the substance can be obtained by detecting the spectral changes such as absorption, scattering or fluorescence of the substance.
820nm MM(multi mode) Infrared Laser Diode Module
820nm multi mode infrared laser diode module applies a wavelength of 820nm, belongs to a near infrared regain laser device, which gets good penetration ability infrared laser light source emission. Owing to its small scattering and absorption ability of propagating in the atmosphere, it can be transmitted over a long distance.
What Is Infrared Line Laser Module?
Infrared line laser module applies multiple wavelengths of 780nm, 808nm, 830nm, 850nm, 980nm, 1064nm, 1470nm, thus it generates invisible IR laser beam and IR reference line. Under operation of material processing, laser medical therapy, optical instrument, industrial and research work fields, only after its cooperation with those of night version machine or device, it is able to provide users excellent infrared line generation for all possible work fields effectively.
What is an infrared laser line generator used for?
What is an infrared laser line generator?
An infrared laser line generator covers a wide range wavelength between 760nm and 100,000nm, which gets the most typical used wavelengths of 780nm, 795nm, 808nm, 820nm, 830nm, 850nm, 905nm, 930nm, 940nm, 980nm, 1064nm, 1310nm and 1470nm. After getting even longer wavelength than visible laser lights among all electromagnetic spectrums, it can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space. Featured by low infrared laser light scattering and absorption, infrared laser module always maintains high power and laser light density emission, and highly clear infrared reference line projection for various night version illumination work fields.