Safe Use of Green Laser Pointer

5mW green laser pointer belongs to Class IIIa laser with 532nm wavelength, uses two AAA batteries. This type of green laser projects 532nm green laser beam with high brightness, so it is extremely dangerous to eyes, especially high powered lasers. In many countries and regions, only allow 5mW green laser pointer.
In use of green laser pointer, laser safety is extremely important. Never point it to eyes and other vulnerable area, and prevent laser reflection to eyes as well. Green laser pointer passes through a bit complex transverse via 1064nm infrared laser and finally converts into 532nm green laser light. It cannot project green laser beam directly via laser diode. KTP is available at high price, and finished product is not as high as red lasers. It results in higher production cost of green laser, but it is always much safer.
How to choose a genuine green laser pointer?
◆ Make careful observation of green laser spot in dark place. If there is clear floodlight, the laser light lens failed.
◆ Check whether green laser dot is a totally round dot, usually within 2mm diameter.
◆ Check whether laser beam brightness of green laser pointer changes via bright to dark. If yes, laser pointer electric circuit board and laser diode might have problems.
How can green laser pointer be applicable?
◆ Teaching, lecture or speech
Green laser pointer gets the most common application on teaching. It is a modern mold or equipment. Its application has just make speaker free of the stage, and go anywhere in need. It makes great work in speech, lecture, business conference etc.
◆ Astronomy stargazing and constellation observations
Owing to the most visible and most sensitive green laser light projection, green laser pointer is very popular among laser amateurs and astronomers. 5mW green laser pointer can project a highly bright laser beam and light spot at night. Laser amateurs can use it to make clear stargazing, constellation observation, low clouds and other celestial objects etc.
◆ Wild travelling, mounting climbing, and exploration
Outdoor lovers can use green laser pointer to make long distance goal targeting and rescue signal distressing.
◆ Mining and construction workers can use green laser pointer to make accurate and precise projection, measurement at quite long distance. It can avoid approaching the danger zone.
Safety precautions with green laser pointer:
Avoid direct skin and flammable connection with green laser pointer. High powered laser is even more dangerous.
Do not operate laser pointer under environment temperature of up 35 degree Celsius and lower than 0 degree Celsius, so as not to accelerate laser aging.
Be sure to remove the battery if long time no use. Put laser pointer in moisture proof and anti static place.
Continuous operation time of green laser pointer should be not exceed 2 minutes in winter, 1 minute in summer, preventing aging promptly.
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