What is the application of 532nm green laser line generator?

Compared with any other visible laser devices, 532nm green laser line generator applies the middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser tech among all optical spectrums. Utilizing a qualified glass-coated lens or Powell lens with wide fan angles and a good thermal stabilization system, it is generating an extremely fine and visible green reference line and makes a high level of accuracy and high-speed line instruction for the majority of industrial and high-tech fields.
What is the basic structure of a green laser line generator?
The handheld designed laser device gets the most featured part of 532nm green DPSS laser tech. This middle wavelength is more efficient and more visible in even wide range work distance and higher lighting working conditions than any other visible laser devices with the same output power range. The green laser beam is traveling even longer distances, featured by super low laser beam divergence, and converting into even brighter and finer green reference lines in continuous use.
Combined with different types of optic lenses, such as glass-coated lenses or Powell lenses, the 532nm green laser line generator is working well with high density and long distance extending green laser beam emission at laser beam aperture.
Differences between Gaussian laser beam and non-Gaussian laser beam are as below:
A glass-coated lens produces a formal non-uniform, Gaussian green laser beam, which gets highly intense center area laser light and fading edge along the projected green laser line. It gets featured advantages of low production cost, an easy and efficient solution for a moderate level of accuracy laser line alignment use.
A Powel lens projects non-Gaussian distribution green laser light and up to 85% uniformity green line in use. The green laser line consists of a uniform distribution of energy, and the same line brightness via the middle part towards both ends. The uniform laser line gets no laser light fade or dim, fulfilling the highest level of accuracy in line alignment for great distance and high lighting.
What fan angles of the optic lens are available?
532nm green laser line generator gets separate fan angles of each type of optic lens, glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degrees fan angle, and Powell lens within 10 to 93 degrees fan angle. The wider the fan angle, the longer the green laser line is projected at a given projection distance. On the basis of line aligning accuracy, production cost, work distance, and lighting occasions, it should be chosen with the proper optic lens and fan angle.
What are the applications of green laser line generators?
Available with the most visible green laser light, it enables the best line-aligning solution for long distances and high-lighting occasions. It travels long work distances and provides the best line aligning solutions for various industrial precise line alignments and high-tech fields.
Indoor vertical or horizontal line alignment of floor and ceiling
Construction tool to detect and measure distances, and heights, and align objects
Installing door, drywall, window alignment, and landscaping projects
Laser cutting work for stone, wood, metal, garment cloths, steel, etc
Sand milling
Lumber machine
What is the safety measure of operating a green laser?
Compared with other visible laser devices, human eyes are far more sensitive to such types of laser light than others. It usually performs with even brighter laser light under the same output power. In order to avoid thermal energy hurt caused by powerful green laser radiation and reflection, users should take active laser safety measures and wear proper 532nm wavelength preventing laser safety glasses so as to assure the secured operation of laser line alignment.
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