What is a green laser line generator?

Applicable as a guideline, green laser line generator is mainly used for industrial alignment, construction, and precise device manufacturing work etc. It applies advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech and equipping with qualified glass coated lens or Powell lens with different fan angles. It is an ideal line indication source for indoor and outdoor precise line measuring works, which projects a high accuracy vertical or horizontal green line onto various raw material surfaces.
What are advantages of green laser line generator?
Comparing with other visible optical spectrums, it applies 532nm green DPSS laser tech, thus green laser line generator is projecting even more visible and brighter green laser light source than other visible lasers with the same output power range. Green laser beam is easy to see with human eyes because it gets middle wavelength among all visible optical spectrums. When it comes with low beam divergence and TE00 laser beam mode, within long extending distance, it keeps work with high fineness green line projection.
Being made into a handheld laser device, configured well with cooling system and electric drilling circuit board, it enables long lasting, high stability and efficient vertical or horizontal green line indication for multiple lighting occasions and long distance.
What is main structure of green laser line generator?
Equipping with advanced 532nm green DPSS laser system, qualified glass coated lens or separate crystal lens (Powell lens), electric driving circuit board, ultra compact size tube made green laser line generator just achieves at least 4 times brighter green laser light than formal 650nm red laser with the same output power range. On consideration of laser line alignment accuracy, it allows freely got optic lens type.
Glass coated lens: It projects formally available Gaussian green laser beam and green line with fan angles within 10 to 110 degree. It provides ideal line aligning source for tasks where moderate accuracy line measurement in need.
Separate Crystal Lens (Powell lens): Benefit of non Gaussian distribution green laser light emission, green laser module reaches up to 85% uniformity green line emission. It keeps work with high brightness and high power ranging of middle part towards both ends of laser line, without light decay or fade in constant use. With wide fan angles of 10 to 93 degree, it provides users the highest level of accuracy line alignment for industrial and high tech precise line measuring works.
What is the application of green laser line generator?
It is operating easy and conveniently as an accessory part for a lot of line indication fields, including construction, installation, surveying, precise material processing works etc. When it projects highly bright and visible vertical or horizontal green line, it is featured by fast, quick reaching, no barrier and noncontact with raw material surfaces. Under operation of correct use of output power and optic lens fan angle, it ensures accurate measurement and low manual labor force input under long distance and long lasting use.
Specific line alignment on a wall, ceiling, floor
Laser line cutting
Sand milling machine
Lumber machine
Stone, metal, garment cutting
Surface grinder
Precise device manufacturing alignment
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