Glass Coated Lens 808nm High Power Infrared Laser Diode Module

Beginning with high power 808nm infrared laser diode within 150mW to 500mW, it is a key point to be aware of laser beam stabilization. The special designed separate metal heat sink cooling system is configuring well with its metal tube. It is leaving sufficient space for laser tube cooling down, and assuring up to 85% infrared laser beam stability within constant IR dot indication of 8 to 10 hours per day. It emits invisible infrared laser beam from beam aperture. It is providing special infrared laser light source and IR reference dot for special night version fields, including infrared fiber laser pumping, material processing, laser medical surgery and treatment, military targeting, and intelligence system etc.
Beginning with high power 808nm infrared laser diode within 150mW to 500mW, it is a key point to be aware of laser beam stabilization. The special designed separate metal heat sink cooling system is configuring well with its metal tube. It is leaving sufficient space for laser tube cooling down, and assuring up to 85% infrared laser beam stability within constant IR dot indication of 8 to 10 hours per day. It emits invisible infrared laser beam from beam aperture. It is providing special infrared laser light source and IR reference dot for special night version fields, including infrared fiber laser pumping, material processing, laser medical surgery and treatment, military targeting, and intelligence system etc.
808nm high power infrared laser diode module gets continuous electric power source supply from an AC/DC adapter. After wide acceptation of electric current of 100V to 240V, converting into different operating voltage of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it is able to work with high intensity and high photoelectric ability. The usual infrared laser dot alignment can be extending at quite long distance of 100 to 1000 meters in real use. The basic laser beam stability and aging preventing test up to 24 hours assures reliable IR dot alignment, and no decay light emission in proper use.
This invisible laser beam emitting tool of 808nm high power infrared laser diode module is operating together with night version device, and performing well as an accessory part. It gets featured advantages of easy mounting, moving and high level of infrared laser beam stability etc. The special use of adjustable focus optic lens enable the best concentrated infrared laser light, and the most precise infrared reference dot projection in continuous use. Whatever output power it is adopting, it is a key issue to pay attention to powerful infrared laser radiation and reflection. In order to avoid thermal energy hurt from invisible IR laser light, it is key issue to avoid eye exposure to beam aperture and take laser safety measures so as to get the best IR dot aligning source.
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