532nm Green Dot Laser Diode Module

The advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech has just made 532nm green dot laser diode module different from any other visible laser devices. It is projecting the most sensitive color and easy absorbing green laser light from middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser system. Equipping with internal metal heat sink cooling system inside its durable aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, after the use of 16mm and 26mm diameter tube, this 532nm green laser always enables the most convenient installation, and easy and clear green reference dot projection without any barrier and light decay in long time use.
After applying the most qualified glass coated lens, different from formal qualified plastic lens, no matter it is pointing at quite long work distance or long time, 532nm green dot laser diode module is always performing with high quality green laser light source emission, and highly clear green reference dot projection in continuous use. In order to assure highly clear and stable dot alignment in various working environments, it gets special use of glass window in front of laser beam aperture. Even though there is quite special working occasion of moisture or dust, it is still performing with highly stable performance in real use.
Being made with an external AC/DC adapter and extending electric wires for both green dot laser diode module and DC power supply tail part, it allows the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, and no track no barrier dot indication onto various working surfaces. It is always getting different output power from 5mW to 100mW. On consideration of different thermal consumption, only if it makes use of different operating voltage of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it just makes sure of highly clear and accurate green dot measurement for all precise device manufacturing works.
The advanced use of APC, ACC driving circuit board is always assuring constant output power and electric current supply from laser beam aperture. It is performing stably within constant use of 8 to 10 hours. When it gets the most intelligent feedback control of laser tube from increasing temperature and serious electric current impact, green dot laser diode module gets reduced possibility of tube burning out or damage. No matter what kind of working surface it is pointing, only if this 532nm green laser gets proper installation and adjustment of laser beam focus correctly, it makes sure of the most intense green laser light concentration, and the most compact size green dot indication for all application fields perfectly.
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