Diode Laser Hair Removals
Berlinlasers extends business of diode laser hair removal, including dedicated designed sapphire contact cooling series 755nm, 808nm infrared diode laser hair removal machines, laser hair removal handpieces, and focusing on R&D of consumable parts such as accessory parts of Deionization resin filter tube and micro fatter filter etc.
Diode laser hair removal handpiece. The adoption of US imported chips and Germany micro channel laser system, getting high stability laser beam emitting and long serving lifetime. Multiple selections of wavelengths and output powers fulfills excellent laser hair removal results.
808nm diode laser hair removal handpiece is workable for Asian gold standard hair removal, 755nm diode laser hair removal handpiece is used for European brown hair removal.
Deionization resin filter. Choosing specific deionized resin to reduce the concentration of ions in water closed in the specified rating.
Micro matter filter selects high precision filter to ensure superior filtering of diameter larger than 20u substances in closed waterways.
All accessory parts of laser hair removal machine allows high performance and extremely long serving lifetime. Berlinlasers also accepts OEM lasers and professional technical supports for all users all over the world.

- 808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal HandpieceRegular Price 2.850,00 US$ Special Price 2.700,00 US$