What is a violet laser line generator used for?

What is a violet laser line generator?
Typically used violet laser covers wide range wavelength of 390nm to 419nm, getting even shorter wavelength than formally used green or red lasers. Among all visible optical spectrums, it only projects a bit shorter wavelength than UV laser, thus obtains not as bright violet ray light source as other visible laser devices. Such short wavelength laser is beneficial for focusing laser beam and forming into a small size laser dot, producing high absorption rate in a lot of raw materials. Owing to increasing absorption rate of violet lasers, there is also increasing energy focused and utilized for the applications of imaging, or surface measurement efficiently.
The creation of 405nm violet laser line generator gathers qualified 405nm violet laser diode, glass coated lens and electric driving circuit board. It gets high attention to design of its thermal stabilization. According to different dimension design of anodized aluminum alloy housing tube and inner configured metal heat sink cooling system; it always gets superior thermal emitting and thermal conductivity. The usual laser beam stability reaches as high as 85% under constant daily operating time of 8 to 10 hours.
What type of violet laser line generator is available at Berlin Lasers?
Berlin lasers has divided violet laser line generator into two classifications: low power range of 5mW to 100mW and high power range of 150mW to 500mW. Configured with different operating voltage of 5V 1000mA, 9V 2000mA AC/DC adapter, accepting wide range electric current of 100V to 240V, it enables convenient use, and no restriction of district and regions. It enables long lasting and high density violet laser beam emission, and high precision violet reference line alignment onto various raw material surfaces.
Glass coated lens (10-110°fan angles) enables high intensity violet laser light emission in type of Gaussian beam, which fulfill moderate accuracy line alignment in measuring work.
Separate crystal lens (10-93°fan angles) projects high uniformity distribution and intense violet laser light. It projects especially fine and straight blue reference line, maintaining the same line brightness and no light fade or dim, and is applicable for high level of accuracy line measurement work.
What is the application of violet laser line generator?
High absorption rate in various materials has just made violet laser line generator applicable for a lot of fields. Integrated APC, ACC driving circuit board inside 12mm, 16mm, and 18.9mm diameter housing tube ensures low noise, high stability, and long lasting blue line indication throughout a wide range operating temperature and other harsh working environments.
Fluorescence: A lot of organic materials get strong fluorescence at excitation wavelength of 405nm.
Blue ray optical disc equipment: 405nm violet laser projects charming and magical violet laser radiation, owing to its good beam stability, popular use and low production cost, it just gets popular use for players.
High density optical storage
DNA sequencing
Laser inspection
What is the safety measure of violet laser?
Owing to its less brightness violet laser light emission of a shorter wavelength than red or blue lasers, the hazard of violet laser is especially dangerous. Human eyes are not quite sensitive to violet laser. Laser users may not blink or turn away immediately after operating or observing such short wavelength laser, thus causing even greater injury to eyes, macular injury, and especially retina.
Any operation of high power violet laser module up to 50mW can cause serious thermal energy hurt to eyes. It is a necessity to avoid eye exposure to beam aperture and remember to wear proper 405nm wavelength preventing laser safety goggles or glasses so as to assure free and safe use of laser.
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