450nm Blue Laser Diode Module

Available with an import 450nm blue laser diode within 5mW to 100mW, after special use of a metal heat sink cooling system, it is developing into the most practically used device of 450nm blue laser diode module. It keeps work with less brightness blue laser light than 473nm blue DPSS laser system. In process of long lasting and long time continuous blue dot aligning work, within long lasting blue laser dot projection of 8 to 10 hours per day, it is keeping work with superior nice laser light cycling use, and highly reliable blue reference dot alignment without light decay.
The advanced use of an AC/DC adapter has just made the operation of 450nm blue laser diode module without any relying on manual labor force input. It keeps work with immediate and continuous blue laser beam emission of 450nm blue laser diode. It is projecting highly visible and highly bright blue laser beam at several miles far away. The real blue laser line alignment is not only applying for close distance or inner room, but also making good job at great distance and high lighting as well.
Either dot aligning work is processing at close or long distance, it is a key issue to avoid laser light decay in continuous use. This 450nm blue laser diode module is equipping with a glass coated lens, which keeps work with high transmittance and highly clear blue dot alignment in distance. In those of harsh working occasion of moisture or dust, the special use of a glass window still makes perfect protection of itself, but keeps work with highly stable and reliable blue reference dot projection in long lasting use. It is projecting charming blue laser light. Besides the formal use of industrial precise dot alignment work, this blue laser also makes good job for special application fields, such as laser show, laser displaying, decoration, lab experiment, laser communication and high tech etc.
According to easy use of 16mm, 18.9mm or 26mm diameter aluminum alloy housing tube, passing through anodized surface treatment tech, this 450nm blue laser diode module is working well under any harsh occasion, such as overheating or over current as well. It is keeping highly clear blue dot alignment under quite high or low operating temperature as well. According to correct use of output power and easy mounting onto any industrial device, without any limitation of long distance, high height and complex working environments etc, this blue laser always makes low cost and long lasting dot alignment perfectly.
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